Javelin Situation Is Crazy | Roblox Jailbreak Trading Network

    The Javelin has been making waves in the trading market, and today we’ll explore what makes it stand out and whether it could soon overtake the Torpedo. This article will cover everything you need to know about the Javelin, how it compares to the Torpedo, and what its future looks like in terms of value and demand. Both the Javelin and the Torpedo are among the fastest vehicles in the game. The Torpedo has a slightly higher top speed, about five miles per hour faster than the Javelin, which gives it a slight edge in a straight-line race. However, the Javelin makes up for it with better acceleration, making it more effective for maneuvering through city streets, engaging in police chases, and performing robberies. The Javelin’s superior handling allows for quicker turns and improved responsiveness, making it a favorite for those who prioritize agility over pure speed. In real gameplay scenarios where acceleration and handling matter more than just top speed, the Javelin proves to be a better overall choice. One of the biggest aspects that makes the Javelin special is its design. The Javelin is one of the most highly detailed models ever introduced in the game. Back in 2022, when community-created models started being added, there were fewer restrictions on how complex models could be. This allowed for intricate details such as mirrors, spoilers, and butterfly doors—features that the Torpedo lacks. In contrast, the Torpedo is much simpler, often jokingly referred to as a “soap bar” due to its lack of detail. If you spawn both cars, you can easily count the polygons on the Torpedo, whereas the Javelin’s high level of detail makes that impossible. However, this level of detail comes with minor drawbacks; for example, the butterfly doors can sometimes obstruct entry into the vehicle. Despite this, the design enhancements significantly contribute to the Javelin’s appeal. Another factor that makes the Javelin unique is the game’s evolving model restrictions. The Jailbreak developers have since implemented limits on polygon counts, making it unlikely that any future vehicles will be as detailed as the Javelin. This means that the Javelin is effectively the last of its kind. Many newer vehicles, such as the Wedge and Iceborn, appear blockier due to these restrictions. This change was largely influenced by performance concerns, particularly for mobile players. High-resolution models consume more RAM, and many mobile devices, such as older iPads with only 3GB of RAM, struggled to run the game smoothly when multiple Javelins were spawned in. The developers have since focused on optimizing the game for low-spec devices, ensuring that future vehicles will be less taxing on hardware. This only increases the Javelin’s rarity and desirability. Looking at the Javelin’s availability and price point, it was originally obtainable during the 2022 “Five Days of Vehicles” event for $929,929 in-game cash, but it was only available for 48 hours. This limited-time release meant that only around 10,000 units were ever acquired, making it significantly rarer than vehicles like the Iceborn, which had a lower price point and a longer availability period. Many players underestimated the Javelin when it was first released, believing it wouldn’t hold value in the trading market. However, due to its superior performance and design, it has remained relevant and highly sought after. In terms of trading value, the Javelin has seen a significant rise in demand. While the Torpedo still holds a strong place in the market, the Javelin’s demand is now even higher. The Torpedo has above-average demand, while the Javelin’s demand is classified as extremely high. This increased interest has led to the Javelin pulling higher trade values than some other previously dominant vehicles. For example, the Beignet currently trades at around 26 million in value, but the Javelin often demands even higher offers. Its value recently increased to 30 million, making it one of the most stable high-tier vehicles in the game. This trend mirrors what happened to the Arachnid, which once held a strong position in the market but has since dropped in value due to frequent low-ball offers. While the Arachnid was once valued at around 30 million, it has since fallen to around 25 million due to low demand. The Javelin, on the other hand, continues to rise, even pulling higher trades than the Torpedo in some cases. Although the Torpedo maintains relevance due to its status as an OG vehicle, history has shown that rarity alone does not always dictate long-term value. If a newer, superior car is introduced, demand will shift. The Javelin, with its combination of strong performance, unique design, and limited availability, is proving to be a worthy competitor. One key factor influencing the Torpedo’s value is the number of dupes in circulation. Because the Torpedo has been in the game since 2018, it has had far more opportunities to be duplicated. Before trading was introduced, there were even glitches that allowed players to spawn and purchase the Torpedo for 750,000 in-game cash, further increasing its availability. The Javelin, on the other hand, was released at a time when duping had become less prevalent, and its initial value was much lower, meaning fewer players prioritized duplicating it. This has contributed to its higher rarity and demand today. Considering all these factors, it’s clear that the Javelin is on an upward trajectory in terms of value and popularity. With its strong performance, detailed design, and limited availability, it has become one of the most desirable vehicles in the game. The Torpedo still holds a strong position, but the Javelin’s increasing demand suggests that it could eventually surpass it. If current trends continue, we may see the Javelin officially recognized as the most valuable vehicle in the game. Only time will tell, but for now, the Javelin remains a top-tier choice for traders and players alike. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below—do you think the Javelin will eventually overtake the Torpedo? I’ll see you in the next one!


  1. Replies
    1. Javelin easily pulls torpedo should be same value as torpedo there are too many duped torpedos should drop down in value

    2. Hello, we will continue to monitor both the Torpedo and Javelin situations further.

    3. javelin it's klling trade place just increas every time for hype of kid's cuz got over valued it doesn't has so much differece than a aperture parisian or scorpion is not even that rare should stayed at 22m i think it in future will drop just like ice breaker when jailbreak player will open his eyes is should not has that hype

    4. We'll see if Javelin maintains its high demand; it only increased by 2.5 million so far.

  2. Personally, in my opinion, Javelin is really worthy of the first place. The torpedo is indeed a good vehicle, but it is already outdated in itself and holding its position just because it is OG is like some kind of discrimination on the part of new cars. Let's be honest, if Torpedo had been released later, or at least at the same time as Javelin, then Javelin simply would not have left Torpedo a chance to take the first place. Especially considering the Jailbreak map, its outstanding 5 mph, improved acceleration and handling are simply useless. I've been betting for a long time that Javelin will finally replace Torpedo soon. It is overvalued and requires a real revaluation that will be lower than its current value.

    1. Torpedo is worth more because its more "og" as you said and that's because its way rarer than javelin. Torpedo was released on the 2018 winter update and javelin was part of the 5 days of vehicles of 2022 which makes torpedo 4 years older. Theres just no way javelin would be worth more just because it has a better acceleration.

    2. We'll see if it stays that way, but Javelin definitely deserves more recognition.

    3. Yup, Torpedo has only stayed at the top due to its “rarity," but it's also been duped a lot.

  3. This was by far one of the most insane vehicles added to jailbreak. It has better acceleration than Torpedo and its brakes compared to other non-electric cars are top tier. It is really rare and there are only a few duplicated copies of it. Even on the map of jailbreak, this car reaches unbelievable speeds over 300mph. It definetely has the potential of surpassing the Torpedo, since most of it's owners wouldn't take a duped Torpedo for it.

    1. I agree, the Javelin's performance is extremely well-rounded and versatile.

    2. Javelin SHOULD pass the torpedo because 1high demand 2better characteristics 3rarity

    3. Javelin's definitely getting more recognition due to its incredible characteristics recently.

  4. İf javelin rise torpedo shold rise too torpedo is "king of cars"

    1. Not quite; the Javelin is better in almost all characteristics compared to the Torpedo.

  5. Just make it more expensive then torpedo..

    1. There is still much observation to be done, but Javelin is pulling good overpays right now.

  6. La javelin est mieux que la torpedo en rapidité et Aura bientôt plus de valeur

    1. Translated: "The Javelin is better than the Torpedo in speed and will soon have more value."

  7. Replies
    1. Hello, the video embedded at the top of the blog goes into more detail.

    2. i did watch it, still shocked it raised that much in a few weeks

    3. Yes, the Javelin has good demand and has been increasing in value over the last two years.

  8. I mean i really still want torpedo to stay at its value because i worked so hard to get and if jab takes over idc because i have every single car in the game

    1. You can also trade your Torpedo to take advantage of the Javelin's hype and get overpays.

  9. Please do not make the value rise so much, I want to get the car too. Its unfair to make a car that just came out 2 years ago the most expensive

    1. I explained more about the Javelin's situation in the video embedded at the top of the blog.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Was this a duplicated comment? The same message was sent right above this one.

  11. I have a question, what should I offer for a jar, since you said the value will increase, I want to get a jab, so please reply, thank you so much

    1. Hello, I went over trading offers for the Javelin in the video embedded at the top of the blog.

  12. I don’t think it should be ranked that high,there are better vehicles such as the aperture,which are much more buyable in chases around the city.I just feel that it should stay at its current value and should not be risen higher than the torpedo in the future.

    1. I agree, Aperture can get overpays; the only downside is that there are a lot of copies of them.

  13. Hi sir, I think Javelin being above Torpedo isn’t ideal, mainly because Torpedo gets overpaid as well. Torpedo always gets more than its base value. I get that Javelin is hyped more, but I feel like people also forgot how well Torpedo does in trading. It does actually receive more than Javelin in terms of overpays.

    1. Yes, Torpedo is also receiving overpays right now; we will find a balance between the two.

  14. This car deserves 1# not because its cooler or better is some traits its just because there will never be another vehicle like The Javelin

    1. I agree, the Javelin did many things right and set the standards so high, it's very hard to beat.

  15. i’m not biased at any of these cars but personally i really think javelin deserves this value rise because it’s only available for 2 days that means not alot of copy is around in the game compared to torpedo

    1. Correct, despite Javelin being added two years ago, there are not many copies of it circulating.

  16. hi would it be a good idea if i stacked concepts to trade for proto do you think proto 8 owners will accept it

    1. It's possible, but Concept is obtainable and in low demand, so it would take you a few days.

  17. people then:Pickup to torp, people now:pickup to jav :D

  18. Javelin is awesome, and I think the Jb trading network team does a great job at values. Thanks for keeping the community safe!

    1. Yes, I agree the Javelin has been doing well. Thank you; I appreciate it.


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